Reverse logistics

7Days Empties and Disposal

Disposal logistics

Con­tri­bu­ting to the con­ser­va­ti­on of natural resources and envi­ron­men­tal protection

7Days takes care of the return of your empty con­tai­ners (trans­por­ta­ti­on aids) and, if required, the proper disposal of empties. Our expertise helps you to resolve eco­lo­gi­cal problems by recycling old appli­ances, packaging materials and other waste products and returning them into the cycle in an envi­ron­men­tal­ly friendly manner. As a service provider between retailing and the producer, we conduct regular coll­ec­tions of empty con­tai­ners and items for disposal to keep the pressure off your branches and their storage capacities. 
We are your partner for handling the entire goods cycle. Together we create economic and eco­lo­gi­cal solutions to conserve natural resources and minimize emissions within the logistics disposal process. 
7Days collects empties and items for recycling from branches or customer locations. 
7Days collects empties and items for recycling from branches or customer locations. 
We handle and con­so­li­da­te empties and items for recycling for onward trans­por­ta­ti­on to the logistics centre. 
We handle and con­so­li­da­te empties and items for recycling for onward trans­por­ta­ti­on to the logistics centre. 
Sorting and inter­me­dia­te storage of empties and recycling items for proper disposal. 
Return of empties to the owner. 

Abholung von Leergut und Recycling-Gütern in der Filiale resp. am Standort des Kunden durch die 7Days.

Abholung von Leergut und Recycling-Gütern in der Filiale resp. am Standort des Kunden durch die 7Days. 

Umschlag und Ver­dich­tung des Leerguts und der Recycling-Güter für den Wei­ter­trans­port in das Logistikzentrum.

Umschlag und Ver­dich­tung des Leerguts und der Recycling-Güter für den Wei­ter­trans­port in das Logistikzentrum. 

Sor­ten­rei­ne Sor­tie­rung und Zwi­schen­la­ge­rung des Leerguts sowie der Recycling-Güter für eine fach­ge­rech­te Entsorgung.


Rück­füh­rung des Leerguts zum Besitzer der Transportbehältnisse.

1 7Days collects empties and items for recycling from branches or customer locations.

2 We handle and con­so­li­da­te empties and items for recycling for onward trans­por­ta­ti­on to the logistics centre.

3 Sorting and inter­me­dia­te storage of empties and recycling items for proper disposal.

4 Return of empties to the owner.

Our service – your com­pe­ti­ti­ve edge

The advan­ta­ges of 7Days Empties and Disposal at a glance

Increased effi­ci­en­cy

Our combined coll­ec­tion and return service increases process effi­ci­en­cy and reduces personnel costs. 


We create eco­lo­gi­cal solutions for the proper and legally compliant disposal of waste products. 

Eco­lo­gi­cal com­pe­ti­ti­ve advantage 

Recycling residual material flows and reinte­gra­ting them into the pro­duc­tion process reduces your eco­lo­gi­cal footprint. 

Keeping the pressure off branches 

The regular coll­ec­tion of empties and waste products results in increased and more efficient use of space for the storage of sales products, espe­ci­al­ly in small selling-space retail outlets. 


We sort and store empty con­tai­ners and return them to the producer. 

Nati­on­wi­de service 

Our service covers the entire country, from remote peri­phe­ral regions to agglo­me­ra­ti­ons and urban centres. 

Service portfolio

Ful­film­ent Solutions

7Days provides indi­vi­du­al, customer-oriented and holistic logistics services with the aim of solving demanding and complex tasks simply and effi­ci­ent­ly. We sit down with you to develop a high-level, perfectly-coor­di­na­ted service based on your needs. 
Our customers in the heal­th­ca­re, mail order, retail and food/convenience sectors, as well as tech­ni­ci­ans and opticians, can depend on a trust­wor­t­hy, reliable partner along their value chains. 
Ralf Macasic 
Head of Logistics Sales 

7Days Empties and Disposal

Has 7Days Empties and Disposal piqued your curiosity?

We look forward to working with you to develop the solution that’s exactly right for you.