Package solutions

7Days Home Delivery (B2C)

Home delivery

Flexible time slots and pro­fes­sio­nal service

7Days Home Delivery (B2C) offers your customers solutions for the daily home delivery of products ordered online. End consumers can flexibly choose the home delivery time slots that best suit their needs. Depending on your indi­vi­du­al needs and requi­re­ments, 7Days can handle the entire logi­sti­cal trans­por­ta­ti­on process: pre-coll­ec­tion, sorting and delivery to the end customer. Friendly and efficient, our logistics network provides nati­on­wi­de coverage – deli­ve­ring fresh and chilled produce directly to your customers’ doorsteps. Our qualified, pro­fes­sio­nal staff in the delivery and customer service depart­ments are always available for customer concerns. 
Together we bring your customers an out­stan­ding delivery expe­ri­ence, with high con­ti­nui­ty in service quality. And our Value Added Services offer you addi­tio­nal faci­li­ties, incre­a­sing the scope of our services with the aim of achieving a high level of satis­fac­tion among your end customers – and rounding off the customer journey in the best possible way (such as the return of empties or pro­fes­sio­nal disposal of products). We deliver your products fresh to your customers’ homes every day. Con­ve­ni­ent. Fast. Professional. 
Decen­tra­li­zed delivery to 7Days hubs of packages assembled at end-customer level by the sender or a transport company acting on its behalf. 
Decen­tra­li­zed delivery to 7Days hubs of packages assembled at end-customer level by the sender or a transport company acting on its behalf. 
Trans­ship­ping packages and dis­tri­bu­ting them to the relevant delivery routes. 
Trans­ship­ping packages and dis­tri­bu­ting them to the relevant delivery routes. 
Personal home delivery of packages by 7Days to private hou­se­holds’ front doors. 
Con­so­li­da­ting reusable con­tai­ners and returning them to the sender, together with the pro­fes­sio­nal disposal of packaging material and items for recycling. 
Con­so­li­da­ting reusable con­tai­ners and returning them to the sender, together with the pro­fes­sio­nal disposal of packaging material and items for recycling. 

Anlie­fe­rung der auf end­kun­de­n­ebe­ne kon­fek­tio­nier­te Pakete durch den Versender oder ein in seinem Namen agie­ren­des Trans­port­un­ter­neh­men dezentral in die Hubs der 7Days.

Anlie­fe­rung der auf end­kun­de­n­ebe­ne kon­fek­tio­nier­te Pakete durch den Versender oder ein in seinem Namen agie­ren­des Trans­port­un­ter­neh­men dezentral in die Hubs der 7Days. 

Umschlag und Ver­tei­lung der Pakete auf die jewei­li­gen Touren.

Umschlag und Ver­tei­lung der Pakete auf die jewei­li­gen Touren. 

Heim­zu­stel­lung der Pakete durch 7Days bis zur Haustüre mit per­sön­li­cher Übergabe an die jewei­li­gen Privathaushalte.


Rück­füh­rung und Ver­dich­tung der Mehr­weg­ge­bin­de zum Versender sowie fach­ge­rech­te Ent­sor­gung von Ver­packungs­ma­te­ri­al und Recycling-Gütern.

Rück­füh­rung und Ver­dich­tung der Mehr­weg­ge­bin­de zum Versender sowie fach­ge­rech­te Ent­sor­gung von Ver­packungs­ma­te­ri­al und Recycling-Gütern. 

1 Decen­tra­li­zed delivery to 7Days hubs of packages assembled at end-customer level by the sender or a transport company acting on its behalf.

2 Trans­ship­ping packages and dis­tri­bu­ting them to the relevant delivery routes.

3 Personal home delivery of packages by 7Days to private hou­se­holds’ front doors.

4 Con­so­li­da­ting reusable con­tai­ners and returning them to the sender, together with the pro­fes­sio­nal disposal of packaging material and items for recycling.

Our service – your com­pe­ti­ti­ve edge

The advan­ta­ges of 7Days Home Delivery (B2C) at a glance

From cyber­space to product 

7Days offers you Home Delivery, a com­pe­ti­ti­ve logistics service that connects the digital and physical worlds. 

Focus on strengths

You can focus on online marketing and opti­mi­zing your online shop, while we take over your entire logi­sti­cal ope­ra­ti­ons. Pro­fes­sio­nal. Prompt. Flexible. 

We deliver fresh 

Using passively cooled boxes, we deliver your products fresh and on time during the selected slot. 

Customer loyalty

Fast delivery on request rounds off your customers’ suc­cessful shopping experience. 

Container recycling

Support in meeting your envi­ron­men­tal goals by taking back recy­cl­ables and empty con­tai­ners, possibly combined with envi­ron­men­tal­ly com­pa­ti­ble recovery. Simple. Customer-oriented. Envi­ron­men­tal­ly aware. 

Customer care

Our expert and expe­ri­en­ced customer service team assists you with all concerns and questions before, during and after delivery. 

Service portfolio

Ful­film­ent Solutions

7Days provides indi­vi­du­al, customer-oriented and holistic logistics services with the aim of solving demanding and complex tasks simply and effi­ci­ent­ly. We sit down with you to develop a high-level, perfectly-coor­di­na­ted service based on your needs. 
Our customers in the heal­th­ca­re, mail order, retail and food/convenience sectors, as well as tech­ni­ci­ans and opticians, can depend on a trust­wor­t­hy, reliable partner along their value chains. 
Ralf Macasic 
Head of Logistics Sales 

7Days Home Delivery (B2C)

Has 7Days Home Delivery piqued your curiosity? 

We look forward to working with you to develop the solution that’s exactly right for you.