Package solutions
7Days On-Site Delivery
Delivery to where things are needed
Delivery to operating theatres, construction sites, tradespeople and technicians

Anlieferung von Paketen mit beispielsweise Ersatzteilen durch den Kunden oder ein in seinem Namen agierendes Transportunternehmen bei der 7Days. Auf Wunsch können die Pakete auch direkt am Standort des Kunden abgeholt oder Auslandslieferung direkt vor Ort verzollt werden.
Sofern eine schnellere Verfügbarkeit gewünscht ist, kann die Lagerung, die Bestandsführung als auch die Konfektionierung just-in-time durch die 7Days erfolgen.
Umschlag der Pakete und Cross-Docking im Logistikzentrum sowie Bereitstellung für die Vortransporte in die Hub’s.
Vortransport auf die Hubs.
Express Zustellung der Pakete durch 7Days an die jeweiligen Empfänger wie beispielsweise Gesundheitsinstitutionen, Techniker, Handwerker und Baustellen.
1 Delivery of packages (of spare parts, for example) to 7Days by the customer or a transport company acting on its behalf. Packages can also be collected directly from customer locations if desired, with direct, on-site customs clearance of foreign deliveries.
2 If faster availability is required, 7Days can also handle storage, inventory management and just-in-time assembly.
3 In the logistics centre, packages are transshipped, cross-docked and prepared for pre-transportation to hubs.
4 Pre-transport to the hubs.
5 Express delivery of packages by 7Days to recipients such as healthcare institutions, technicians, tradespeople and construction sites.
Our service – your competitive edge
The advantages of 7Days On-Site Delivery at a glance
Short lead times
Container tracking
Resource optimization
Non-personal handover
Focus on strengths
Customer satisfaction
Service portfolio
Fulfilment Solutions

Fulfillment Solutions
We take care of all your order processing, from scheduling, incoming goods, order picking and master data maintenance to packaging goods and products and shipping them to the customer, as well as returns management.

Fashion & Beauty
Deliveries to retail-chain branches and Shop2Shop deliveries in the fashion and cosmetics sectors. Our services include cross-docking, order picking, sorting and road transportation by day and by night.

Food & Non-Food (FMCG)
Fulfilment provider of FMCG, beverages, tobacco and convenience products for retailers. We are a service provider for fresh products and dry goods, seven days a week.

Spare Parts Delivery
Intelligent key management enables spare parts to be delivered directly to technicians’ vehicles so that work can begin at the normal time on the following day.

Food Home Delivery
Logistics services for food and non-food products ordered online for the B2C sector.

Importation and customs-clearance services for products entering the Swiss market. As a fulfilment service provider we can also provide upstream and downstream logistics services, and supplement them in line with your wishes.

Pick up & drop off (PUDO)
Pick-up and drop-off service for the mail order business for the collection and return of packages at selected retail outlets by the end consumer.

Returns Management
Customized logistics services for the return of defective goods to the relevant service centre, as well as the return of repaired goods to the branch in some cases.

Optician deliveries
Nationwide early delivery (before opening time) of lenses and contact lenses to opticians’ delivery boxes.

Supplies to delivery staff
Sorting, order-picking and delivering addressed mailings, catalogues and customer magazines to delivery staff.

Media logistics
We can take over the entire logistics supply chain for publishers, from publisher deliveries to supplies of physical print-media products to retailers and newspaper boxes.