ISO 14001 – ein weiterer Schritt in Richtung einer grüneren und nach­hal­ti­gen Zukunft

«Öko­lo­gi­sches, öko­no­mi­sches und soziales Denken und Handeln» ist einer der fünf Grund­wer­te, welche die 7Days Ihrem Schaffen als Hand­lungs­prin­zi­pi­en zu Grunde legt. Unser Ziel als auch unsere gemein­sa­me Pflicht ist es, unser unter­neh­me­ri­sches Denken und Handeln so aus­zu­rich­ten, dass wir schonend mit unseren Res­sour­cen umgehen. Als Ful­fill­ment-Dienst­lei­ster haben wir die Mög­lich­keit, die Nach­hal­tig­keit der Supply Chain von Unter­neh­men zu opti­mie­ren und weiterzuentwickeln.

Efficient night logistics: Switz­er­land relies on night-time parcel delivery

The terms “Overnight Express,” “Innight,” “Go-Night,” “Nacht­ex­press” and “Nights Logistics” are terms that are appearing more and more fre­quent­ly in the context of night logistics services. These names symbolize a new era in shipping, in which the night is used to transport parcels and goods with remar­kab­le effi­ci­en­cy. In Switz­er­land, many companies have reco­gni­zed that reverse logistics is an optimal solution to meet the incre­a­sing demands of their customers. 

Last Mile — The Challenge in the Supply Chain

The final step in the logistics supply chain, when the parcel is trans­fer­red to the recipient, is a crucial part of the supply chain that poses major chal­lenges for many CEP service providers.

Dynamized tours to optimize the last mile

The final step in the logistics supply chain, when the parcel is trans­fer­red to the recipient, is a crucial part of the supply chain that poses major chal­lenges for many CEP service providers.

Inno­va­ti­ve. Powerful. Digital. 7Days.

The 7Days Group has made digi­ta­lizati­on and software deve­lo­p­ment a strategic priority. 7Days uses digital solutions, focusing on efficient and sus­tainable processes and embedding them in holistic approaches.