Ful­film­ent Solutions

Fashion & Beauty

Optimum goods availability 

Branch and Shop2Shop Delivery for fashion and cosmetics retail chains

The avai­la­bi­li­ty of goods in sales outlets is a factor that is crucial to high customer satis­fac­tion. We can take care of package deli­veries to your branches during regular opening hours, and ensure that goods move between your branches quickly and smoothly. Because of our expertise in importing and exporting inter­na­tio­nal shipments, you can easily and quickly feed goods from inter­me­dia­te warehou­ses in neigh­bou­ring countries into our network for nati­on­wi­de distribution. 
We offer you a long-term service, making the transfer of goods across your branch network more eco­no­mic­al and envi­ron­men­tal­ly friendly and meeting your customers’ needs in the best possible way. With our nati­on­wi­de logistics network we can carry out a Shop2Shop delivery for you in 24 hours or less. Packages can also be delivered during the night if you wish. 

Delivery of packages to 7Days by the customer or a transport company acting on its behalf. Packages can also be collected directly from customer locations if desired, with the direct, on-site customs clearance of foreign deliveries. 


7Days collects the package from your branch A. It is returned with a shipping label attached via the 7Days infras­truc­tu­re for delivery to the recipient branch. 


Wherever possible, packages collected from branch A are combined with packages delivered centrally and prepared for delivery to recipient branches as part of the trans­ship­ment and cross-docking process. 


Wherever possible, packages collected from branch A are combined with packages delivered centrally and prepared for delivery to recipient branches as part of the trans­ship­ment and cross-docking process. 


Wherever possible, packages collected from branch A are combined with packages delivered centrally and prepared for delivery to recipient branches as part of the trans­ship­ment and cross-docking process. 


(Personal) delivery of the goods to the recipient branch. The product will be available where you want it within a maximum of 24 hours. 


(Personal) delivery of the goods to the recipient branch. The product will be available where you want it within a maximum of 24 hours. 


Anlie­fe­rung der Pakete durch den Kunden oder ein in seinem Namen agie­ren­des Trans­port­un­ter­neh­men bei der 7Days. Auf Wunsch können die Pakete auch direkt am Standort des Kunden abgeholt oder Aus­lands­lie­fe­rung direkt vor Ort verzollt werden.


7Days holt in Ihrer Filiale A das gewünsch­te Paket ab. Das Paket wird mit einer Ver­san­deti­ket­te versehen und über die 7Days Infra­struk­tur für die Zustel­lung an die Emp­fän­ger­fi­lia­le (B oder C) zurückgeführt.


Die in Filiale A abge­hol­ten Pakete als auch die zentral ange­lie­fer­ten Pakete werden im Rahmen des Waren­um­schlag- und Cross-Docking-Prozesses, sofern möglich, für die Zustel­lung in die jeweilige Emp­fän­ger­fi­lia­le (oder C) zusam­men­ge­führt und bereitgestellt.


Die in Filiale A abge­hol­ten Pakete als auch die zentral ange­lie­fer­ten Pakete werden im Rahmen des Waren­um­schlag- und Cross-Docking-Prozesses, sofern möglich, für die Zustel­lung in die jeweilige Emp­fän­ger­fi­lia­le ( oder C) zusam­men­ge­führt und bereitgestellt.

Die in Filiale A abge­hol­ten Pakete als auch die zentral ange­lie­fer­ten Pakete werden im Rahmen des Waren­um­schlag- und Cross-Docking-Prozesses, sofern möglich, für die Zustel­lung in die jeweilige Emp­fän­ger­fi­lia­le ( oder C) zusam­men­ge­führt und bereitgestellt. 

Aus­lie­fe­rung und per­sön­li­che Zustel­lung der Ware an die jeweilige Empfänger-Filiale (B oder C). Innerhalb von max. 24 Stunden haben Sie das Produkt am gewünsch­ten Standort verfügbar.

Aus­lie­fe­rung und per­sön­li­che Zustel­lung der Ware an die jeweilige Empfänger-Filiale (B oder C). Innerhalb von max. 24 Stunden haben Sie das Produkt am gewünsch­ten Standort verfügbar. 

1 Delivery of packages to 7Days by the customer or a transport company acting on its behalf. Packages can also be collected directly from customer locations if desired, with the direct, on-site customs clearance of foreign deliveries.

2 7Days collects the package from your branch A. It is returned with a shipping label attached via the 7Days infras­truc­tu­re for delivery to the recipient branch.

3 Wherever possible, packages collected from branch A are combined with packages delivered centrally and prepared for delivery to recipient branches as part of the trans­ship­ment and cross-docking process.

4 (Personal) delivery of the goods to the recipient branch. The product will be available where you want it within a maximum of 24 hours.

Our service – your com­pe­ti­ti­ve edge

The advan­ta­ges of Fashion & Beauty at a glance

Pre-opening delivery

Goods can be delivered before the shop opens if you wish, faci­li­ta­ting their further pre­pa­ra­ti­on for sale when the shop opens. 

Container manage­ment

Provision of packaging material in the form of reusable and transport boxes to reduce packaging effort and costs, as well as to create a sus­taina­bi­li­ty con­tri­bu­ti­on along the value chain. 

Avai­la­bi­li­ty of goods within 24 hours 

Our lean, optimized processes and short lead times enable goods to be shipped within 24 hours. 

Impor­ta­ti­on & customs clearance 

If required, we can take over impor­ta­ti­on and customs clearance for customers. 

Nati­on­wi­de service 

Our delivery service covers the entire country, from remote peri­phe­ral regions to agglo­me­ra­ti­ons and urban centres. 


7Days will take care of the pro­fes­sio­nal disposal of packaging materials for you. This takes place either step by step or on the ins­truc­tions of the branch concerned. 
Ralf Macasic 
Head of Logistics Sales 

Fashion & Beauty

Has our Fashion & Beauty logistics service piqued your curiosity?

We look forward to working with you to develop the solution that’s exactly right for you. 


Customers who place their trust in us

We at 7Days focus on customer needs. We serve small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses, corporate groups from a wide range of indu­stries, and also private indi­vi­du­als. We would like to thank our customers for their coope­ra­ti­on in a spirit of partnership.

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