Ful­film­ent Solutions 

Food & Non-Food (FMCG)

Storage and trans­por­ta­ti­on services 

Con­ve­ni­ence – not only in the product range, but also in logistics. 

Fresh, fast-moving products require flexible and intel­li­gent logistics services if customer demand is to be met to the maximum possible extent. For high-turnover consumer goods in the areas of FMCG, beverages, fresh produce, tobacco and near-food, we offer storage and transport faci­li­ties specific to groups of goods. After coll­ec­ting goods and storing them correctly, we conduct order-picking and packaging acti­vi­ties for you and prepare the goods in compacted form for transportation. 
Our carriers deliver your products to the desired points of sale, taking away empty and reusable con­tai­ners as well as recycling goods for return transport and reuse. Our FMCG logistics service range also includes tem­pe­ra­tu­re-con­trol­led faci­li­ties. Our value-added services offer you a high degree of customization. 

Goods for storage are delivered to the logistics centre by the customer or a transport company acting on its behalf. 


After receipt and inspec­tion, the goods are stored in specific warehouse structures.


The provision of goods is order-based, i.e. they are picked on receipt of the customer order (e.g. a direct branch order). 


The goods are picked at customer level according to the order and product group, and sent for con­so­li­da­ti­on and dispatch. 


If orders are placed and trans­mit­ted before 11 a.m., the goods are delivered the following day. 


If orders are placed and trans­mit­ted before 11 a.m., the goods are delivered the following day. 


Die Ware für die Ein­la­ge­rung wird durch den Kunden oder ein in seinem Namen agie­ren­des Trans­port­un­ter­neh­men am Logi­stik­zen­trum angeliefert.


Nach erfolgter Waren­ver­ein­nah­mung und ‑prüfung werden die Produkte in die spe­zi­fi­schen Lager­struk­tu­ren eingelagert.


Die Bereit­stel­lung der Ware erfolgt auf­trags­ba­siert; d.h. dass der Abruf der benö­tig­ten Ware nach Eingang der Kun­den­be­stel­lung ausgelöst wird (z.B.: direkte Filialbestellung).


Die Waren wird gemäss Bestell­auf­trag waren­grup­pen­spe­zi­fisch auf Kun­de­n­ebe­ne kom­mis­sio­niert und für die Ver­dich­tung als auch den nach­ge­la­ger­ten Transport bereit gestellt.


Bei Bestel­lun­gen, welche vor 11 Uhr getätigt und über­mit­telt werden, erfolgt die Aus­lie­fe­rung der Ware am Folgetag.

Bei Bestel­lun­gen, welche vor 11 Uhr getätigt und über­mit­telt werden, erfolgt die Aus­lie­fe­rung der Ware am Folgetag. 

1  Goods for storage are delivered to the logistics centre by the customer or a transport company acting on its behalf.

2  After receipt and inspec­tion, the goods are stored in specific warehouse structures.

3 The provision of goods is order-based, i.e. they are picked on receipt of the customer order (e.g. a direct branch order).

4 The goods are picked at customer level according to the order and product group, and sent for con­so­li­da­ti­on and dispatch.

5 If orders are placed and trans­mit­ted before 11 a.m., the goods are delivered the following day.

Our service – your com­pe­ti­ti­ve edge

The advan­ta­ges of FMCG Logistics at a glance 

Next-day delivery

Orders placed before 11 a.m. are delivered the next morning during regular opening hours. 

Tem­pe­ra­tu­re-con­trol­led delivery 

To comply with hygiene and product regu­la­ti­ons, 7Days utilizes both active and passive cooling for the trans­por­ta­ti­on of your goods. 

Cold storage

To ensure a con­si­stent and con­ti­nuous cold chain, we provide both trans­por­ta­ti­on and storage faci­li­ties ideally tailored to your needs. 

Best-before date management 

In the case of peri­s­ha­ble products in the fresh produce and FMCG sectors, we take care of best-before date manage­ment as well as inventory manage­ment and stocktaking. 

Nati­on­wi­de service 

Our delivery service covers the entire country, from remote peri­phe­ral regions to agglo­me­ra­ti­ons and urban centres. 

Customer care

Our expert and expe­ri­en­ced customer service team assists you with all concerns and questions before, during and after delivery. 
Ralf Macasic 
Head of Logistics Sales 

Food & Non-Food (FMCG)

Has our FMCG logistics piqued your curiosity?

We look forward to working with you to develop the solution that’s exactly right for you. (Titel)


Customers who place their trust in us

We at 7Days focus on customer needs. We serve small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses, corporate groups in a wide range of indu­stries, and also private indi­vi­du­als. We would like to thank our customers for their coope­ra­ti­on in a spirit of partnership.