Ful­film­ent solutions 

Pick up & drop off (PUDO)


An attrac­ti­ve, con­ve­ni­ent shipping and return option for your customers

We can offer you – as a mail order company in the e‑commerce sector – an inte­gra­ted pick-up & drop-off service in part­ner­ship with one of the largest retail companies in Switz­er­land, with a network of more than 800 sales outlets. Your customers benefit from extended opening hours and attrac­ti­ve pick-up and drop-off locations, in both high-frequency and peri­phe­ral regions. With our stan­dar­di­zed interface, con­nec­ting your online shop is simple and straight­for­ward. Our expe­ri­en­ced team will be happy to advise and support you throug­hout the entire inte­gra­ti­on process. 
The 7Days pick-up & drop-off service is adver­ti­sed and marketed under the Päckli Punkt brand. The Päckli Punkt service is offered to end consumers by Valora’s avec, k kiosk and Press & Books chains. Valora is a strong retail partner with long opening hours for your customers’ con­ve­ni­ence. It even opens on Sundays and public holidays. Clever. Flexible. Simple. 

Päckli Punkt website for end customers

The end customer visits the mail order company’s online shop and orders the product, spe­ci­fy­ing delivery to the desired Päckli Punkt. 


The mail order company assembles a package accor­din­gly, which is then collected by 7Days, or delivered directly to 7Days by the mail-order company or a transport company acting on its behalf. If desired, foreign deli­veries can be customs-cleared directly on site. 


Packages are trans­ship­ped in the logistics centre and prepared for trans­por­ta­ti­on to hubs. 


The package is delivered to the Päckli Punkt specified by the end customer. A pick-up invi­ta­ti­on is e‑mailed to the end customer. 


The end customer collects the package at the Päckli Punkt on pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the pick-up invitation. 


The end customer registers the return with the mail-order company and hands the package in at the nearest Päckli Punkt. 


The end customer registers the return with the mail-order company and hands the package in at the nearest Päckli Punkt. 


The package is picked up at the Päckli Punkt by 7Days. The con­sign­ments are con­so­li­da­ted and returned to the central warehouse. 


The package is picked up at the Päckli Punkt by 7Days. The con­sign­ments are con­so­li­da­ted and returned to the central warehouse. 


Packages are sorted at sender level and prepared for return shipment. Customs-clearance documents are created if necessary. The con­so­li­da­ted packages are returned to the mail-order company. 


Über den Online-Shop des Ver­sand­händ­lers bestellt der Endkunde das Produkt mit Lieferung zum gewünsch­ten Päckli Punkt.


Die auf Endkunden kon­fek­tio­nier­ten Pakte werden durch 7Days abgeholt oder direkt durch den Ver­sand­händ­ler oder ein in seinem Namen agie­ren­des Trans­port­un­ter­neh­men an die 7Days geliefert. Auf Wunsch können Aus­lands­lie­fe­run­gen direkt vor Ort verzollt werden.


Die Pakete werden im Logi­stik­zen­trum umge­schla­gen und für den Vor­trans­por­te in die Hub’s bereitgestellt.


Das Paket wird an den vom Endkunden gewünsch­ten Päckli Punkt zuge­stellt. Eine Abhol­ein­la­dung wir dem Endkunden per Email übermittelt.


Der Endkunde holt das Paket gegen Vorlage der Abhol­ein­la­dung am Päckli Punkt ab.


Der Endkunde meldet die Retoure beim Ver­sand­händ­ler an und gibt das Paket am nächst­ge­le­ge­nen Päckli Punkt auf.

Der Endkunde meldet die Retoure beim Ver­sand­händ­ler an und gibt das Paket am nächst­ge­le­ge­nen Päckli Punkt auf. 
Das Paket wird am Päckli Punkt durch 7Days abgeholt. Die Sendungen werden ver­dich­tet und in das Zen­tral­la­ger zurückgeführt. 

Das Paket wird am Päckli Punkt durch 7Days abgeholt. Die Sendungen werden ver­dich­tet und in das Zen­tral­la­ger zurückgeführt.


Die Pakete werden auf Ver­sen­der­ebe­ne sortiert, gege­be­nen­falls Ver­zol­lungs­do­ku­men­te erstellt und für den Rück­ver­sand vor­be­rei­tet. Die kon­so­li­dier­ten Pakte werden zum Ver­sand­händ­ler zurückgeführt.

1 The end customer visits the mail order company’s online shop and orders the product, spe­ci­fy­ing delivery to the desired Päckli Punkt.

2 The mail order company assembles a package accor­din­gly, which is then collected by 7Days, or delivered directly to 7Days by the mail-order company or a transport company acting on its behalf. If desired, foreign deli­veries can be customs-cleared directly on site.

3 Packages are trans­ship­ped in the logistics centre and prepared for trans­por­ta­ti­on to hubs.

4 The package is delivered to the Päckli Punkt specified by the end customer. A pick-up invi­ta­ti­on is e‑mailed to the end customer.

5 The end customer collects the package at the Päckli Punkt on pre­sen­ta­ti­on of the pick-up invitation.

6 The end customer registers the return with the mail-order company and hands the package in at the nearest Päckli Punkt.

7 The package is picked up at the Päckli Punkt by 7Days. The con­sign­ments are con­so­li­da­ted and returned to the central warehouse.

8 Packages are sorted at sender level and prepared for return shipment. Customs-clearance documents are created if necessary. The con­so­li­da­ted packages are returned to the mail-order company.

Päckli Punkt coope­ra­ti­on chains 

Together with retailer Valora we offer a nati­on­wi­de service focused on customer needs 365 days a year. We would like to thank Valora and its brands for their partnership: 

Our service – your com­pe­ti­ti­ve edge

Your benefits at a glance

Extended opening hours 

The Päckli Punkt locations offer end customers attrac­ti­ve opening hours for dropping off and picking up packages. 

Package tracking

End customers can view the status of their con­sign­ments on the Päckli Punkt website. A simple IT con­nec­tion via inter­faces to your online shop is also available. 

Low-cost shipping option 

Päckli Punkt offers you and your end customers an attrac­tively-priced PUDO service. 


The Päckli Punkt locations throug­hout Switz­er­land are mostly in high-frequency locations such as railway stations, petrol stations and city centres, but also in peri­phe­ral regions. 

Returns manage­ment

7Days is happy to take respon­si­bi­li­ty for your returns manage­ment if you wish. The process is fast and reliable. Our efficient returns service includes inspec­ting and clas­si­fy­ing the goods and preparing return documentation. 

Simple con­nec­tion

Con­nec­ting to your existing online shop is simple and fast, using modern stan­dar­di­zed interfaces. 
Ralf Macasic 
Head of Logistics Sales 

Pick up & drop off (PUDO)

Has our pick up & drop off service piqued your curiosity?

We look forward to working with you to develop the solution that’s exactly right for you. 


Customers who place their trust in us

We at 7Days focus on customer needs. We serve small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses and corporate groups in a wide range of indu­stries, as well as private indi­vi­du­als. We would like to thank our customers for their coope­ra­ti­on in a spirit of partnership.

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