There for you 7 days a week

Print media as an attrac­ti­ve product group

A wide, attrac­ti­ve range 

Offer your customers a reading adventure with fresh news­pa­pers and magazines every day.

As a press who­le­sa­ler we enable you as a retailer to offer your customers up-to-date press products throug­hout Switz­er­land and Liech­ten­stein. Press products are a diverse, attrac­ti­ve product group that ideally com­ple­ments a con­ven­tio­nal portfolio. Seven days a week we ensure that around 6’900 national and inter­na­tio­nal press products are available in the right quan­ti­ties at more than 5’500 sales outlets in Switz­er­land and Liechtenstein. 
Our press expertise helps you to achieve your sales targets. Our com­pre­hen­si­ve services range from the initial con­sul­ta­ti­on to training, designing and moni­to­ring product ranges, sales advice, and the analysis and opti­mizati­on of product-group and area pro­fi­ta­bi­li­ty through targeted sales-promotion acti­vi­ties. As the customer, you are the focus of ever­ything we do. We are part­ner­ship-based, fair and service-oriented. 

Quick links

Ever­ything at a glance 

Do you as a retailer have any ope­ra­tio­nal questions, or do you need indi­vi­du­al infor­ma­ti­on on a print media-related topic?

Here you can go directly to the Market Partner Portal for retailers for the indi­vi­du­al admi­ni­stra­ti­on of the print-media product group.

Are you a retailer? Would you like to add print media to your portfolio as an addi­tio­nal product group?

Service portfolio

Our customer-oriented services

As a capable, high-per­for­mance press who­le­sa­ler we support you from the outset with a holistic, nati­on­wi­de service. We work with you to build up the press expertise that you need to con­ti­nuous­ly refine the pre­sen­ta­ti­on and attrac­ti­ve­ness of the product group. 

Category manage­ment (portfolio design) 

We work with you to determine an initial range that is optimally tailored to your pre­sen­ta­ti­on space, taking account of factors that influence demand such as commuter flows and specific customer groups such as school­child­ren. In the context of category manage­ment, the aim is to optimally align the product portfolio with con­stant­ly changing demand in order to maximize sales. 

Customer care

Our pro­fes­sio­nal team gua­ran­tees a high level of service with modern technical faci­li­ties, both in the Contact Centre and in the field, in order to strive for a high level of customer satis­fac­tion in the long term. 

The sales force advises you on the design of your print-media pre­sen­ta­ti­on and sales assistant opti­mizati­on and provides you with the appro­pria­te press expertise – directly, simply and straight­for­ward­ly. The focus is on shelf manage­ment, portfolio opti­mizati­on, location-specific turnover and portfolio analysis, as well as sales promotion activities.

In the Contact Centre you will be welcomed in German, French or Italian by our long-standing pro­fes­sio­nal staff with a high level of expertise and affinity for print media, who will provide prompt advice and assi­stance with both simple enquiries and complex problems. 

Optimum goods availability 

We take care of the avai­la­bi­li­ty of goods, so you can focus on sales. We use an inno­va­ti­ve, tried-and-tested ERP system to control and regulate your indi­vi­du­al press portfolio on a daily basis, taking regional and seasonal pecu­lia­ri­ties into account.

Our aim is to provide you with titles with the highest sales prospects, based on both past sales and current demand. Your shelf capacity is taken into account, with the number of titles regularly fluc­tua­ting depending on the season (e.g. winter, summer) and current events. 

Customer portal

As an inno­va­ti­ve, tech­ni­cal­ly advanced press who­le­sa­ler, we offer our digital-savvy customers a software system that is available as both a web app and a mobile app. 

This gives you the oppor­tu­ni­ty to manage your portfolio directly at the point of sale next to the shelves in order to increase the effi­ci­en­cy of your manage­ment processes.

Records manage­ment and invoicing 

In order to keep track of the deli­veries and returns at all times, we support you with a trans­pa­rent and con­si­stent document system that sum­ma­ri­zes movements of goods on a weekly basis and is reflected in an aggre­ga­ted invoice at the end of each month. 

Our service – your com­pe­ti­ti­ve edge

Your benefits at a glance

News­pa­pers and magazines have great potential as an addi­tio­nal mer­chan­di­se group to make your sales outlet or your portfolio more attractive. 

Highly pro­fi­ta­ble

You benefit from an inte­gra­ted, trans­pa­rent, low-risk remu­ne­ra­ti­on model. Fur­ther­mo­re, the press product group is subject to fixed prices, i.e. the printed sales price is the same for all retailers. This creates fair com­pe­ti­ti­on and a high degree of cal­cu­la­ti­on and earnings security for you. 

Fast moving

Even in a very small space you can offer an attrac­ti­ve, customer-focused range of news­pa­pers and magazines, which invites impulse purchases. Print media are the fresh produce aisle of the non-food department. 


Print media are a risk-free business for you. The right to return unsold copies to the supplier at the purchase price [verlinken mit Story Essen­ti­als] allows you to carry a wide, deep range with zero inventory risk. 

Frequency drivers

An attrac­ti­ve press portfolio creates an incentive for both regular and occa­sio­nal customers to enter your shop again and again and browse the print-media shelves. Press products, espe­ci­al­ly titles with a regular publi­ca­ti­on frequency, ensure high customer frequency due to their topi­cal­i­ty – creating the pre­re­qui­si­te for asso­cia­ted and impulse purchases in other product groups. 

Cultural heritage

Press products have a long history of standing for freedom of infor­ma­ti­on and opinion in a modern society. Tra­di­tio­nal, well-known titles have developed into strong brands with an extended reach. According to a broad-based study elsewhere in Europe, print media act as an important customer magnet: an average of 77% of press buyers, for example, are certain that they will access the newspaper and magazine shelves. And most of these customers already know which title they want to purchase. 

Market Partner Portal 

Here you can go directly to the Market Partner Portal for retailers for the indi­vi­du­al admi­ni­stra­ti­on of the print-media product group.

Presse als zusätz­li­che Warengruppe

Become a customer

Are you about to open your retail outlet, or would you like to include print media as a new product group? Here are the essential steps for the appli­ca­ti­on to purchase press products: 
Regi­stering your interest at the Contact Centre (by phone or e‑mail)
Please register your interest by phone or e‑mail at the Contact Centre. We will be happy to take your contact details so that our staff can contact you.
Preli­mi­na­ry cla­ri­fi­ca­ti­on by phone
Our Customer Service will phone you to discuss your enquiry about the supply of press products and explain the next steps.
Documents required
We need the following items from you to initiate the opening process: 
  1. a currently valid extract from the debt enforce­ment register 
  2. your residence cer­ti­fi­ca­te (natural persons only) 
  3. an extract from the com­mer­cial register (legal entities only) 
  4. a copy of your identity card 
  5. a copy of your residence permit (foreign nationals only). 
Document vali­da­ti­on and credit check
We check the documents you have submitted by post and conduct a credit check. 
Contract issuance
After a suc­cessful check you will receive the contract by post, including the asso­cia­ted documents, which must be signed in pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the start of deliveries.
Opening as a press outlet
After the con­trac­tu­al documents you submitted have been validated, you will receive the new opening docu­men­ta­ti­on by post. This contains ever­ything you need to know about the print-media product group.
Print-media pre­sen­ta­ti­on and layout
In pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the start of deli­veries we will phone you (or if necessary our field sales team will call on you in person) to discuss all the relevant points regarding product carriers, print-media pre­sen­ta­ti­on and layout.
Portfolio design and initial deliveries
We will be happy to give you any support you need with the design of your product range up to the point of stocking on the opening day. At the appro­pria­te time you will receive on-site training at your sales outlet, and the first regular field service visit will take place around three weeks after the start of deli­veries. This gives you another oppor­tu­ni­ty to clarify process and product-related questions, so that nothing will stand in the way of the suc­cessful sale of press products.


Retailing: fre­quent­ly asked questions

To help you find the right answer to your question as quickly as possible, we have compiled the following most fre­quent­ly asked questions with their answers. 

Please contact our Customer Service with any questions about print media. 


If you have any questions about becoming a customer, please contact our Customer Service. We would also refer you to the expl­ana­ti­ons given above. 

Natural person (private indi­vi­du­al, not a company)

  • residence cer­ti­fi­ca­te
  • the current extract from the debt enforce­ment register for the natural person
  • copy of the identity card of the person who is the managing director
  • If you are a foreign national we need your current residence permit. 


Legal entity (a company entered in the com­mer­cial register

  • a current extract from the debt coll­ec­tion register relating to the legal entity
  • a current certified extract from the legal entity’s entry in the com­mer­cial register.

We put together the best possible portfolio for you based on the details of your outlet, such as size, shelf length, impact on sales, opening hours, customer frequency etc. – as well as on our expertise and expe­ri­ence. 7Days handles the dis­tri­bu­ti­on of news­pa­pers and magazines in Switz­er­land and Liech­ten­stein for the publishers. 

The right of return means that dealing in press products exposes you to no financial risk for unsold copies. The right of return means that unsold copies of magazines and news­pa­pers can be returned at the purchase price after a specified period. This allows you to carry a rela­tively wide and deep product range for your customers. Ownership rights to press items always lies with the publishers, which is why the sale of press products subject to the right of return is handled as a com­mis­si­on transaction.

Full-vision, boltless and shed shelving units are con­side­red to be excellent display carriers for press products. To com­ple­ment full-vision shelving we recommend addi­tio­nal carriers specific to the object group, as well as print-media sales aids (novel stands, comic stands, Geo racks etc.), some of which are provided free of charge by publishers. We will also be happy to help you develop the optimum shelving design for your sales outlet. For this purpose, we will gladly provide you with a reference list of shelving suppliers with proven print-media expertise. If required and at your request, we will also be happy to help you procure shelving and sales aids. 

To make sure things run smoothly, please notify the Contact Centre by e‑mail at least three weeks before your holiday. 

If a press product is out of stock or a customer has a special request for a product that does not yet figure in your portfolio, we will be happy to answer any questions you may have. You can either ask at the Contact Centre or go to the Market Partner Portal and enter the follow-up delivery you need. 

We provide you with an optimum portfolio based on your sales figures and taking a variety of relevant factors into account. Should you nevert­hel­ess require a volume increase, the Contact Centre is available to answer any questions you may have. Alter­na­tively, you can make this request in the Market Partner Portal. 

Please contact our Customer Service with any questions or problems relating to print media. 

Should you wish to close your outlet or hand it over to a new owner, please contact us at least six weeks in advance.