The essen­ti­als of press distribution

Our press dis­tri­bu­ti­on system stands on five pillars. These essen­ti­als serve a single goal: the neu­tra­li­ty of press dis­tri­bu­ti­on must be gua­ran­teed in Switz­er­land. Neutral dis­tri­bu­ti­on alone gua­ran­tees the greatest possible diversity of opinion. Above all, this fragile, balanced system gua­ran­tees that all titles are available ever­y­whe­re. For this reason, it is impos­si­ble to remove a single pillar: All five pillars together guarantee the stability and con­ti­nui­ty of the system.



Art. 16: Freedom of expres­si­on and information

  1. Freedom of expres­si­on and of infor­ma­ti­on is guaranteed.
  2. Every person has the right freely to form, express, and impart their opinions.
  3. Every person has the right freely to receive infor­ma­ti­on, to gather it from generally acces­si­ble sources and to dis­se­mi­na­te it.

Art. 17: Freedom of the media

  1. Freedom of the press, radio and tele­vi­si­on and of other forms of dis­se­mi­na­ti­on of features and infor­ma­ti­on by means of public tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons is guaranteed.
  2. Cen­sor­ship is prohibited.
  3. The pro­tec­tion of sources is guaranteed.

How can we define the essen­ti­als ensuring that titles can be reliably obtained everywhere?

The crucial questions about the essentials


Why are sole dis­tri­bu­ti­on rights important?

The press wholesaler’s sole ter­ri­to­ri­al dis­tri­bu­ti­on right includes publishers’ sole dis­tri­bu­ti­on obli­ga­ti­on and retailers’ sole purcha­sing obli­ga­ti­on. This right ensures that the entire territory receives broad, com­pre­hen­si­ve cover, thus streng­thening effi­ci­en­cy. News­pa­pers and magazines are rapidly peri­s­ha­ble goods that must be trans­por­ted extremely quickly. Were parallel dis­tri­bu­ti­on orga­nizati­ons to be set up without sole dis­tri­bu­ti­on rights, business manage­ment decisions would lead to supplies being limited to titles that sell well.


Why is the right of dis­tri­bu­ti­on important?

The press wholesaler’s right of dis­tri­bu­ti­on enables it to determine which products are to be stocked by a retailer and in what quan­ti­ties. This keeps the number of returns as low as possible. Nobody makes money from returned magazines and news­pa­pers. But the right of dis­tri­bu­ti­on is also essential if the principle of neu­tra­li­ty is to be gua­ran­teed: without it, outlets would limit them­sel­ves to titles with a high cir­cula­ti­on, or stock only certain titles because of their tastes or political convictions.


Why is the right of return important?

The right of return allows retailers and press who­le­sa­lers to return unsold titles free of charge for credit at cost price. The sales risk is borne by the publisher. The right of return is thus central to the neu­tra­li­ty of press dis­tri­bu­ti­on: without it, high-cir­cula­ti­on print-media products would be favoured and the variety of titles would shrink.


Why is price fixing important?

Because the selling price of a title is set by the publisher, magazines and news­pa­pers are sold at the same price throug­hout Switz­er­land – which is fair and rea­sonable from the per­spec­ti­ve of demo­cra­tic policy. If price fixing were to be abolished, retailers would con­cen­tra­te their print-media ranges on high-margin products that are easy to sell.


Why is the usage requi­re­ment important?

Press who­le­sa­lers require retailers to offer products exclu­si­ve­ly for retail sale in Switz­er­land and the Prin­ci­pa­li­ty of Liech­ten­stein. This prevents retailers from sel­ec­tively acting as who­le­sa­lers for attrac­ti­ve indi­vi­du­al titles or com­mer­ci­al­ly inte­re­st­ing subject areas. The usage requi­re­ment ensures the supply of all titles offered throug­hout Switz­er­land and Liechtenstein.

Riedstrasse 4
4622 Egerkingen

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+41 58 470 20 00
+41 58 470 34 50
Riedstrasse 4
4622 Egerkingen

(zu Google Maps)
+41 58 470 20 00
+41 58 470 34 50