
7Days package and transport services

Inno­va­ti­ve transport services 

Pro­fes­sio­nal service provider for the trans­por­ta­ti­on of your goods 

We are on the road for you 365 days (and nights) a year, in a close-meshed network in the city, in agglo­me­ra­ti­ons and in remote mountain and peri­phe­ral regions. Your trust is our most precious asset. We develop inno­va­ti­ve supply chain solutions for you in the trans­por­ta­ti­on area, 
providing you with a nati­on­wi­de network, com­pre­hen­si­ve expertise and digital solutions to give you an edge over your com­pe­ti­tors. We offer you stringent and tailor-made solutions in both the CEP and general cargo sectors, which can be flexibly expanded with value-added services. 

Service portfolio

Our package services at a glance

Your trust is our most precious asset. We develop inno­va­ti­ve supply chain solutions for you in the trans­por­ta­ti­on area, providing you with a nati­on­wi­de network, com­pre­hen­si­ve expertise and digital solutions to give you an edge over your com­pe­ti­tors. We offer you stringent and tailor-made solutions in both the CEP and general cargo sectors, which can be flexibly expanded with value-added services.

Service portfolio

Our reverse logistics services

As a full-service provider we can also cover returns. The com­bi­na­ti­on of forward and reverse logistics allows you to have a single service partner for all your goods flows. In addition to the actual transport of goods and returns manage­ment, we also take care of the return of empty con­tai­ners and, if required, the proper disposal of empties. 

Service portfolio

Our general cargo & haulage services

With our efficient network, our long-standing expertise in trans­por­ta­ti­on – including across borders – and our solid part­ner­ships with transport companies over many years, we are able to act as a lead logistics provider (4PL) and to manage and direct every link in the supply chain. As well as tra­di­tio­nal package services, this also enables us to provide general cargo transport. In order to set up an efficient logistics system for our customers, it is important to us to coor­di­na­te the means of transport, the materials handling tech­no­lo­gy and the loading equipment, and to adapt them to the cha­rac­te­ri­stics of the goods to be transported. 

Business Case for Kone 

One of today’s global tech­no­lo­gy leaders for lift, escalator and automatic doors — Kone — was looking for a time-saving logistics solution for their material orders and storage in Switzerland.

Value added services in the trans­por­ta­ti­on field

We offer a range of value-added trans­por­ta­ti­on services. Our aim is to offer indi­vi­du­al services that meet your needs in the best possible way. We focus on close coope­ra­ti­on with our customers. 

In order to comply with hygiene and product regu­la­ti­ons, 7Days utilizes passive tem­pe­ra­tu­re-con­trol­led transportation.

As an ISO-compliant company, we meet the quality standards along the entire value chain for the trans­por­ta­ti­on of products.

The 7Days Group has many years of expertise in appli­ca­ti­on and software deve­lo­p­ment, which – espe­ci­al­ly in logistics – is essential to create efficient processes and process data streams in the form of elec­tro­nic inter­faces and web portals. We discuss your requi­re­ments with you in order to offer you a cus­to­mi­zed service.

Together with our spe­cia­lists, we create cross-border customs-clearance solutions for the import and export of goods, handling the entire logistics process along the value chain.

High trans­pa­ren­cy is vital to us, which is why we attach importance to the con­ti­nuous and system-supported tracking of packages and loading units, which we manage with our flexible Track & Trace system throug­hout the supply chain. 

Together with our insurance partner we offer you insurance policies in the field of haulage and warehousing that are ideally tailored to meet your needs.

We utilize a variety of sealing methods to guarantee the security, integrity and tamper-free trans­por­ta­ti­on of your con­tai­ners, goods, and goods in transit.

You can offer your customers the advantage of not paying for products until they are phy­si­cal­ly handed over. We deliver the goods ordered against a cash payment by the recipient. This ensures that you receive the payment due to you after delivery.

Facts & figures

7Days Switz­er­land in figures

> 0
km covered/week
~ 0
> 0
> 0

Hub and spoke network

Our sites in Switzerland

7Days has a strong geo­gra­phic presence, serving an average of more than 52,200 delivery points per week across Switz­er­land from 15 hubs – just over half of them by night. 

The logistics centre at our head­quar­ters in Eger­kin­gen is equipped with modern tech­no­lo­gy and infras­truc­tu­re, with a high-bay warehouse for pallet storage, block storage and cooling areas. It serves as a hub for trans­ship­ment throug­hout Switz­er­land. The Geneva site is another important trans­ship­ment point for French-speaking Switzerland. 

St. Gallen

Hub St. Gallen Edi­son­stras­se 1 CH-9015 St. Gallen (Google Maps)


Hub Zizers
Oberauweg 4
CH-7205 Zizers
(Google Maps)


Hub Bedano
Via Industrie 4
CH-6930 Bedano
(Google Maps)


Hub Visp
Pomona 30
CH-3930 Visp
(Google Maps)


Hub Genf
Avenue Vibert 38
CH-1212 Grand-Lancy
(Google Maps)


Hub Bussingny
Chemin de Mochettaz 8
CH-1030 Bussigny
(Google Maps)


Hub Zol­li­kofen
Eicherweg 31
CH-3052 Zol­li­kofen
(Google Maps)


Hub Win­ter­thur
Ohr­bühl­stras­se 25
CH-8409 Win­ter­thur
(Google Maps)


Hub Muttenz
Fin­ken­stras­se 25
CH-4132 Muttenz
(Google Maps)

Head­qua­ters Egerkingen Ried­stras­se 4 CH-4622 Eger­kin­gen (Google Maps)

Hub Schlieren
Brand­stras­se 16
CH-8952 Schlieren
(Google Maps)


Hub Buchrain
Am Rotbach 2
CH-6033 Buchrain
(Google Maps)


Hub St. Gallen
Edi­son­stras­se 1
CH-9015 St. Gallen
(Google Maps)


Hub Zizers
Oberauweg 4
CH-7205 Zizers
(Google Maps)


Hub Bedano
Via Industrie 4
CH-6930 Bedano
(Google Maps)


Hub Visp
Pomona 30
CH-3930 Visp
(Google Maps)


Hub Genf
Avenue Vibert 38
CH-1212 Grand-Lancy
(Google Maps)


Hub Bussingny
Chemin de Mochettaz 8
CH-1030 Bussigny
(Google Maps)


Hub Zol­li­kofen
Eicherweg 31
CH-3052 Zol­li­kofen
(Google Maps)


Hub Win­ter­thur
Ohr­bühl­stras­se 25
CH-8409 Win­ter­thur
(Google Maps)


Hub Muttenz
Fin­ken­stras­se 25
CH-4132 Muttenz
(zu Google Maps)


Head­qua­ters Eger­kin­gen
Ried­stras­se 4
CH-4622 Eger­kin­gen
(Google Maps)


Hub Schlieren
Brand­stras­se 16
CH-8952 Schlieren
(Google Maps)


Hub Buchrain
Am Rotach 2
CH-6033 Buchrain
(Google Maps)


Customers who place their trust in us

We at 7Days focus on customer needs. We serve small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses and corporate groups in a wide range of indu­stries, as well as private indi­vi­du­als. We would like to thank our customers for their coope­ra­ti­on in a spirit of partnership.

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