Warehouse Logistics

7Days Order Picking

We get involved

The art of composition

We offer you stringent order picking with short lead times and high process quality for the optimum, error-free assembly of your products and timely pro­ces­sing of orders. The focus is on high customer satis­fac­tion combined with efficient processes. We operate highly automated systems for the efficient pro­ces­sing of large-volume orders, together with simple, flexible manual picking methods for the customer-oriented ful­film­ent of special requi­re­ments. Pick-by-light and pick-by-voice are among the methods we use. With the “Pick & Pack” method that is widely used in the company, we pick your goods directly into a shipping container so that the order is ready for con­so­li­da­ti­on and down­stream shipping. 
In addition to our serial order picking, large orders are processed sepa­ra­te­ly and in parallel according to the various storage zones, and brought together for optimum con­so­li­da­ti­on at the end of the order-picking process using our highly automated box-sorting station and pal­le­tiz­ing robots. Our experts will be happy to advise you and work with you to find the picking and shipping concept that best meets your requi­re­ments, depending on the order structure, volume and product range. 
Order-based order picking: the various products are sourced from the relevant warehouse struc­tures supported by modern order-picking processes. 
Con­so­li­da­ti­on of customer orders across product groups and delivery to the outgoing goods depart­ment for pre-trans­por­ta­ti­on to the hubs. 

Auf­trags­ba­sier­te Kom­mis­sio­nie­rung: Bezug der unter­schied­li­chen Produkte aus den jewei­li­gen Lager­struk­tu­ren gestützt durch moderne Kommissionierverfahren.


Waren­grup­pen­über­grei­fen­de Zusam­men­füh­rung und Ver­dich­tung der Kun­den­auf­trä­ge sowie Bereit­stel­lung im Waren­aus­gang für den Vor­trans­port in die Hubs.

1 Order-based order picking: the various products are sourced from the relevant warehouse struc­tures supported by modern order-picking processes.

2 Con­so­li­da­ti­on of customer orders across product groups and delivery to the outgoing goods depart­ment for pre-trans­por­ta­ti­on to the hubs.

Service portfolio

Ful­film­ent Solutions

7Days provides indi­vi­du­al, customer-oriented and holistic logistics services with the aim of solving demanding and complex tasks simply and effi­ci­ent­ly. We sit down with you to develop a high-level, perfectly-coor­di­na­ted service based on your needs. 
Our customers in the heal­th­ca­re, mail order, retail and food/convenience sectors, as well as tech­ni­ci­ans and opticians, can depend on a trust­wor­t­hy, reliable partner along their value chains. 

Order picking

We add the finishing touch 

We offer com­pre­hen­si­ve value-added services in the area of order picking to process and enhance finished products. Your customers’ unboxing expe­ri­ence can be enhanced if you simply add a personal touch. We also help you to prepare your goods in the context of sales promotion measures. The scope of our services includes repacking, labelling and rela­bel­ling, display cons­truc­tion and placement, personal greeting cards, set building and the insertion of flyers or sample products. 

Ralf Macasic 
Head of Logistics Sales 

7Days Order Picking

Has our order-picking service piqued your curiosity?

We look forward to working with you to develop the solution that’s exactly right for you.