Efficient night logistics: Switz­er­land relies on night-time parcel delivery

The terms “Overnight Express,” “Innight,” “Go-Night,” “Nacht­ex­press” and “Nights Logistics” are terms that are appearing more and more fre­quent­ly in the context of night logistics services. These names symbolize a new era in shipping, in which the night is used to transport parcels and goods with remar­kab­le effi­ci­en­cy. In Switz­er­land, many companies have reco­gni­zed that reverse logistics is an optimal solution to meet the incre­a­sing demands of their customers. 

In today’s highly com­pe­ti­ti­ve business envi­ron­ment, where the com­pe­ti­ti­on never sleeps, time and effi­ci­en­cy along the logistics value chain have become decisive com­pe­ti­ti­ve factors.
Companies from various indu­stries are incre­a­sing­ly reco­gni­zing that logistics is one of the key factors influen­cing their success in a dynamic and com­pe­ti­ti­ve market. 

Night logistics not only enables companies to shorten delivery times and increase the effi­ci­en­cy of their supply chains, but also to optimize business processes and offer customers an out­stan­ding service experience.
Night logistics creates signi­fi­cant added value, par­ti­cu­lar­ly in the area of spare parts delivery or the supply of service technicians.
In com­bi­na­ti­on with warehousing services, complex end-to-end transport and storage solutions with very short through­put times can be created and imple­men­ted for customers. 


Gray box Night logistics offers a number of clear advan­ta­ges that both companies and customers alike appreciate.
Here are some of the out­stan­ding aspects: 

1. late delivery times: Night logistics allows companies to hand over goods to the trans­por­ta­ti­on service provider late and still ensure early delivery, which is inva­luable, espe­ci­al­ly in business-critical situa­tions. 2. avai­la­bi­li­ty of goods: Thanks to lean and optimized processes and short through­put times, it can be ensured that the goods are available by 7 a.m. at the latest before the start of work. This maximizes the effi­ci­en­cy of operating processes and minimizes downtime. 3. imper­so­nal handover: It is not always possible for customers to ensure personal handover for early delivery, which is why imper­so­nal delivery directly to the branch, into a customer-specific drop-off box or even directly into the vehicle is sometimes also offered for seamless pro­ces­sing. 4. plannable delivery windows: the customer’s delivery time pre­fe­rence is taken into account in route planning to ensure delivery at the desired time. 5. relieving con­ge­sti­on on the road network: As traffic on the roads is generally lower at night, companies can shorten delivery times and minimize delays due to con­ge­sti­on and traffic dis­rup­ti­ons. 6 Efficient use of resources: Post-logistics enables companies to use their resources more effi­ci­ent­ly. Vehicles and employees can be optimally utilized.



Would you like your products delivered overnight from A to B?

The7Daysis a medium-sized, owner-managed company operating in Switz­er­land with many years of proven expertise and inno­va­ti­ve solutions in the field of trans­por­ta­ti­on and warehouse logistics. With the Overnight Express Service from 7Days, customers benefit from an efficient overnight network with short through­put times and delivery by 7 a.m. at the latest. Every day, 7Days reaches more than 5,000 delivery points in Switz­er­land in the early hours of the morning (before 7 a.m.) and delivers parcels before stores open or before work starts. Thanks to efficient internal processes and short through­put times, late delivery of goods to the logistics center in Eger­kin­gen is possible until around 10 p.m. or until 2:30 a.m. in our hubs, with the assurance of early delivery the next morning. Click here for the 7Days Overnight Express Service.



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4622 Egerkingen

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4622 Egerkingen

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+41 58 470 20 00
+41 58 470 34 50