Ful­film­ent Solutions

Supplies to Delivery Staff

Sorting and trans­por­ta­ti­on solutions 

Supplying cata­lo­gues, customer magazines, flyers and mailings

We offer a sorting and delivery service for the supply of per­so­na­li­zed or unad­dres­sed con­sign­ments and the necessary working materials to delivery staff. Upstream, we take over the sorting and order-picking of mailings, cata­lo­gues and customer magazines, among others. We thus offer you a complete solution along the logistics value chain, and an attrac­ti­ve and com­pe­ti­ti­ve alter­na­ti­ve to existing providers. 
Your con­sign­ments arrive effi­ci­ent­ly and reliably at their desti­na­ti­on within a jointly defined time slot. You deliver your products centrally to us, and we take care of the inspec­tion of incoming goods, sepa­ra­ti­on and sorting at delivery-area and delivery-agent level. In addition we support you in pro­ces­sing unde­li­vera­ble items, which are recorded and made available to the sender as a data record. 

Delivery of pre-sorted pallets to 7Days by the customer or a transport company acting on its behalf. Packages can also be collected directly from customer locations if desired, with the direct, on-site customs clearance of foreign deliveries. 


Receipt of con­sign­ments and sorting them by delivery area or agent, as well as preparing them for pre-trans­por­ta­ti­on to hubs. 


Transport of the items via the hubs to unloading points for the delivery staff.


Transport of the items via the hubs to unloading points for the delivery staff.


Fine dis­tri­bu­ti­on of the con­sign­ments by delivery staff. 


Fine dis­tri­bu­ti­on of the con­sign­ments by delivery staff. 


Fine dis­tri­bu­ti­on of the con­sign­ments by delivery staff. 


Anlie­fe­rung von vor­sor­tier­ten Paletten durch den Kunden oder ein in seinem Namen agie­ren­des Trans­port­un­ter­neh­men bei der 7Days. Auf Wunsch können die Pakete auch direkt am Standort des Kunden abgeholt oder Aus­lands­lie­fe­rung direkt vor Ort verzollt werden.


Ent­ge­gen­nah­me der Sendungen und Sor­tie­rung auf Zustell­ge­bie­te resp. Zusteller sowie Bereit­stel­lung für die Vor­trans­por­te in die Hub’s.


Transport der Sendungen über die Hub’s zu den Abla­de­punk­ten für die Zusteller.

Transport der Sendungen über die Hub’s zu den Abla­de­punk­ten für die Zusteller. 
Fein­ver­tei­lung der Sendungen durch die Zusteller. 

Fein­ver­tei­lung der Sendungen durch die Zusteller.

Fein­ver­tei­lung der Sendungen durch die Zusteller. 

1 Delivery of pre-sorted pallets to 7Days by the customer or a transport company acting on its behalf. Packages can also be collected directly from customer locations if desired, with the direct, on-site customs clearance of foreign deliveries.

2 Receipt of con­sign­ments and sorting them by delivery area or agent, as well as preparing them for pre-trans­por­ta­ti­on to hubs.

3 Transport of the items via the hubs to unloading points for the delivery staff.

4 Fine dis­tri­bu­ti­on of the con­sign­ments by delivery staff.

Our service – your com­pe­ti­ti­ve edge

The advan­ta­ges of supplies to delivery staff at a glance

Return of unde­li­vera­ble items 

Unde­li­vera­ble items are recorded centrally in accordance with your spe­ci­fi­ca­ti­ons and criteria, and processed for rede­li­very if required. 

Working equipment for delivery staff 

Pro­fes­sio­nal storage and delivery of working equipment to the delivery staff as required. 

Single point of contact 

An expert, expe­ri­en­ced contact person is available to help you with any questions and concerns before, during and after delivery. 

Imper­so­nal handover 

Delivery directly to the defined unloading point, including system-supported delivery con­fir­ma­ti­on to the delivery agent, if a personal handover is impos­si­ble or unnecessary. 

Focus on strengths 

We create a trusting, coope­ra­ti­ve part­ner­ship with qualified and well-trained staff, so that you can focus on your core business. 

Nati­on­wi­de service 

Because of our hub-and-spoke network, our delivery service covers the entire country – from remote peri­phe­ral regions to agglo­me­ra­ti­ons and urban centres. 
Ralf Macasic 
Head of Logistics Sales 

Supplies to Delivery Staff

Have our supplies to delivery staff piqued your curiosity? 

We look forward to working with you to develop the solution that’s exactly right for you. 


7Days articles and success stories


Customers who place their trust in us

We at 7Days focus on customer needs. We serve small and medium-sized enter­pri­ses and corporate groups in a wide range of indu­stries, as well as private indi­vi­du­als. We would like to thank our customers for their coope­ra­ti­on in a spirit of partnership.