National logistics solution for libraries to promote and simplify the exchange of sci­en­ti­fic information

The Swiss Library Service Platform (SLSP for short) is a service provider for libraries and together with them operates the national library platform swiss­co­very, which pools sci­en­ti­fic infor­ma­ti­on from currently 500 libraries in Switz­er­land and makes it easily acces­si­ble and easy to find. SLSP offers par­ti­ci­pa­ting libraries a wide range of services for their end customers as well as for their internal ope­ra­ti­ons. Around 50 employees currently work for SLSP at the two locations in Zurich and Lausanne. 

SLSP was launched in 2015 as a project by 15 uni­ver­si­ty libraries with the motto “By libraries for libraries”. The common goal was to create a national platform that bundles all sci­en­ti­fic infor­ma­ti­on in Switz­er­land. The 15 uni­ver­si­ty libraries and Swiss­uni­ver­si­ties, as part of the P‑5 program, have signi­fi­cant­ly financed the SLSP project. This gave rise to the non-profit SLSP Swiss Library Service Platform AG in 2017, which today operates the national library platform swiss­co­very. With Go Live in December 2020, Swiss­co­very replaced the previous academic library networks and research platforms. In total, swiss­co­very now lists more than 40 million books, series, journals and non-book materials as well as more than 3 billion elec­tro­nic articles.
With swiss­co­very, SLSP stands for a major inno­va­ti­ve step in the digital deve­lo­p­ment of the Swiss sci­en­ti­fic infor­ma­ti­on landscape. It con­tri­bu­tes to sci­en­ti­fic progress and new findings thanks to easily acces­si­ble and easy-to-find information.



Cus­to­mi­zed logistics solutions for public service institutions

7Days is a high-per­for­mance, efficient and inno­va­ti­ve logistics service provider with a strong geo­gra­phi­cal presence in Switz­er­land and offers smart, holistic and sus­tainable ful­fill­ment solutions. The com­bi­na­ti­on of ope­ra­tio­nal and transport logistics based on cross-process system solutions ensures stable, trans­pa­rent and effective processes. The services are par­ti­cu­lar­ly lucrative for many indu­stries that want to impress their customers with service and the rapid avai­la­bi­li­ty of the desired goods. Customers of 7Days benefit from the shortest through­put times and attrac­ti­ve cost positions. Planned by highly spe­cia­li­zed experts, com­mis­sio­ned with advanced tech­no­lo­gy and imple­men­ted by a motivated team. 7Days Switz­er­land has many years of logistics expertise (both forward and reverse logistics as well as in the area of Shop2Shop delivery), intel­li­gent software solutions, a national and com­pre­hen­si­ve network as well as tech­ni­cal­ly competent and pro­fes­sio­nal customer service staff. As a press who­le­sa­ler, 7Days still provides a public service and delivers news­pa­pers and magazines to retail outlets throug­hout Switz­er­land every day as a cultural and social asset. In addition, 7Days offers its customers pro­fes­sio­nal storage, cross-docking and order picking, supported by modern tech­no­lo­gies and processes, to optimize the flow of materials and infor­ma­ti­on from the supplier to the end customer. 



“7Days is our national logistics partner for the pro­fes­sio­nal and fast trans­por­ta­ti­on of books. We app­re­cia­te having a competent partner who supports us 365 days a year with expertise in transport, control, customer service and process optimization.”

Jürgen Küssow, Vice Director SLSP and Head of Network Services



Business case: National parcel logistics for the trans­por­ta­ti­on of media between libraries

Before swiss­co­very was estab­lished by SLSP, the regional library networks used indi­vi­du­al courier solutions to transport books between the libraries. With the dis­so­lu­ti­on of the existing networks and the go-live of swiss­co­very in December 2020, a new, national solution for the trans­por­ta­ti­on of media between libraries was to be found. The newly created national courier solution should cover the needs of both small and large libraries in terms of user frequency. During the tendering process, 7Days was able to impress with its expe­ri­ence with com­pa­ra­ble customers, the expertise it has built up over many years and its high level of customer ori­en­ta­ti­on in the form of a holistic solution concept. SLSP Courier” was developed and imple­men­ted jointly during an imple­men­ta­ti­on phase. Processes were discussed, scru­ti­ni­zed, optimized and written down in order to be able to train library employees with a high degree of stan­dar­dizati­on. An on-site presence was essential as part of the imple­men­ta­ti­on process. This enabled the new processes to be tested, validated and refined in close coope­ra­ti­on and regional cir­cum­stances to be taken into account. With the newly imple­men­ted process, the growth in volume can be withstood and resources can be used sparingly and sus­tain­ab­ly. With its Switz­er­land-wide parcel service 7Days Next Day Delivery, 7Days has impressed with its per­for­mance, taking over the entire transport process along the value chain and ensuring the avai­la­bi­li­ty of goods in the connected libraries. 

Our efficient logistics network and agile orga­nizati­on make it possible to create indi­vi­du­al solutions for coll­ec­tion, goods handling and cross-docking for regional or national parcel delivery. 7Days trans­ports an average of 28,000 books per month, serving more than 180 libraries throug­hout Switz­er­land. 7Days collects the books picked in a returnable box from the sending library for delivery to other libraries. The return transport takes place via the decen­tra­li­zed regional hubs back to the main 7Days dis­tri­bu­ti­on center. There, the coll­ec­tion boxes are opened and picked at the level of the receiving library. On the following day, the books are delivered to the relevant target libraries, with the end customers entitled to collect them on the same day. The use of reusable con­tai­ners and the national bundling of volumes, and con­se­quent­ly the con­so­li­da­ti­on of trans­por­ta­ti­on, made it possible to create a sus­tainable and resource-saving industry solution. The overall solution developed with SLSP along the value chain creates sus­tainable added value for the par­ti­ci­pa­ting libraries and their users. 


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