Avai­la­bi­li­ty of goods in stores is one of the key reasons for high customer satisfaction

Tally Wejil is an inter­na­tio­nal fashion retailer with Swiss roots. In 1984, Ravital (“Tally”) Tally Elfassi-Weijl and her business partner Beat Grüring founded a fashion label for women with the con­vic­tion that everyone should have access to the latest trends, regard­less of how advan­ta­ged someone is. They dis­tri­bu­ted their garments to Swiss fashion houses and boutiques in their little Fiat. The fact that they delivered the coll­ec­tions within just two to four weeks was revo­lu­tio­na­ry and “just in time” was already the key to their success back then. In 1987, the two opened their first own Tally Weijl store in Fribourg (CH) to be closer to their customers — the start of a small fashion empire. This was followed by numerous other stores together with the first franchise partners in Switz­er­land and expansion into Germany in 1997. Three years later, the first store was opened in Poland and by 2000, Tally Weijl already had over 50 stores throug­hout Europe. Over the next few years, Tally Weijl developed into one of the leading inter­na­tio­nal fashion retailers, opening more than 100 stores a year.


Cus­to­mi­zed logistics solutions for the retail fashion store

When it comes to supplying the retail trade, the com­pre­hen­si­ve and, above all, timely supply of stores is our top priority. This requires intel­li­gent tour concepts, customer-specific warehouse solutions and value-added services for an indi­vi­dua­li­zed customer solution. 7Days Switz­er­land has many years of retail expertise, intel­li­gent software solutions, a national and com­pre­hen­si­ve network, com­pe­tence in forward and reverse logistics and Shop2Shop delivery as well as tech­ni­cal­ly competent and pro­fes­sio­nal customer service staff. In addition, 7Days offers its customers pro­fes­sio­nal storage, cross-docking and order picking, supported by modern tech­no­lo­gies and processes, to optimize the flow of materials and infor­ma­ti­on from the supplier to the end customer.


“Together with 7Days, we are making our fashion products available to everyone. Promptly. Fast. Trendy. As a fashion retailer, we offer sus­tainable products at afforda­ble prices. 7Days supports our value pro­po­si­ti­on along the logistics value chain.” 

Tally Weijl Switzerland


Business case: On the catwalk today and available in the fashion store tomorrow — seamless delivery for delighted customers

In the exciting world of fashion retail, customer advice plays a central role in making the shopping expe­ri­ence a personal and satis­fy­ing customer journey for shoppers. At a time when fashion trends are changing rapidly and the choice is almost endless, the expertise of trained sales staff is essential to help customers find their indi­vi­du­al style. Customer advice in fashion retail goes far beyond simply selling clothes. It is an art based on empathy, fashion sense and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on skills. A good customer advisor is not only familiar with the latest trends, but is also able to recognize and respond to customers’ needs and pre­fe­ren­ces. To summarize, customer advice in fashion retail is much more than a service — it is an art form that enriches the shopping expe­ri­ence and streng­thens customer confidence.

In fashion retail, logistics plays a crucial role in ensuring that fashion products are delivered on time, in perfect condition and in accordance with customer requi­re­ments. Efficient logistics is the backbone of a suc­cessful retail business, as it not only increases customer satis­fac­tion, but also streng­thens the com­pe­ti­ti­ve­ness and repu­ta­ti­on of the brand. Today’s customer expec­ta­ti­ons in fashion retail are high. Customers expect not only a wide selection of products, but also fast delivery times and trans­pa­rent shipping options. This is where logistics comes into play, making it possible to overcome the chal­lenges of pro­cu­re­ment, storage and dis­tri­bu­ti­on. The last mile of delivery is crucial to per­fec­ting the customer expe­ri­ence. Fast delivery times, shipment tracking and flexible delivery options are now standard customer requirements.

Tally Weijl sought a part­ner­ship with a national service provider to handle logistics acti­vi­ties throug­hout Switz­er­land. The joint deve­lo­p­ment of the scope of services focused on the topics of efficient Shop2Shop deli­veries, Saturday deli­veries and deli­veries to sales outlets at night. With the Switz­er­land-wide parcel service 7Days Next Day Delivery and 7Days Overnight Express 7Days was able to convince Tally Weijl with its per­for­mance, taking over the entire transport process along the value chain and ensuring the avai­la­bi­li­ty of goods in the Tally Weijl stores both during regular opening hours and at night using inno­va­ti­ve access solutions.
Our efficient logistics network and agile orga­nizati­on make it possible to create indi­vi­du­al solutions for pick-up, goods handling and cross-docking for regional or national parcel delivery.
Our many years of expe­ri­ence, broad network, in-depth market knowledge and stable infras­truc­tu­re create a clear com­pe­ti­ti­ve advantage for Tally Weijl.
Our solution enables retailers to meet customer needs even faster and more efficiently.
The inte­gra­ti­on of sus­taina­bi­li­ty into logistics services is also an emerging trend in fashion retail.
Choosing envi­ron­men­tal­ly friendly packaging, opti­mi­zing route planning to reduce emissions and working with delivery partners who have similar sus­taina­bi­li­ty goals are ways in which logistics service providers can con­tri­bu­te to envi­ron­men­tal responsibility.
In summary, logistics in fashion retail is much more than just trans­por­ta­ti­on and delivery.
It is a strategic function that is closely linked to sourcing, warehousing, customer satis­fac­tion and brand reputation.
Through seamless and efficient logistics, fashion retailers can not only meet their customers’ expec­ta­ti­ons, but also streng­then their position in a highly com­pe­ti­ti­ve market. 


Riedstrasse 4
4622 Egerkingen

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+41 58 470 20 00
+41 58 470 34 50
Riedstrasse 4
4622 Egerkingen

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+41 58 470 20 00
+41 58 470 34 50