Valora: Deli­ve­ring fresh sand­wi­ches to Valora every day, nationwide

On 1 May 2023 7Days added fresh and ultra-fresh products to its existing service portfolio, streng­thening its long-standing coope­ra­ti­on with Valora in Switz­er­land. In addition to its existing product groups – FMCG, non-food, beverages, tobacco – 7Days now also delivers fresh sand­wi­ches, fruit, vege­ta­bles and dairy products from the cold storage facility in Eger­kin­gen to k kiosk, avec. and P&B outlets throug­hout Switz­er­land on a daily basis.


«Our part­ner­ship with Valora is close, trusting and forward-looking. Together we are investing in a long-term col­la­bo­ra­ti­on. We are pleased to be the strong partner at Valora’s side in the fresh food logistics sector as well.»

Thomas Kirschner, CEO, 7Days Switzerland 



Con­ve­ni­ence means maxi­mi­zing effi­ci­en­cy along the value chain, and exploi­ting potential time savings for the end customer – before, during and after the purchase of the product3

The con­sump­ti­on of con­ve­ni­ence products continues to be an important food trend to which the entire supply chain is respon­ding. The 2022 Nutrition Trends Report1, for example, showed that the Covid-19 pandemic boosted demand for food-to-go. Con­ve­ni­ence food and food-to-go is con­side­red the sixth most important deve­lo­p­ment in nutrition, according to the report.
“The com­bi­na­ti­on of sus­taina­bi­li­ty, health and enjoyment is becoming incre­a­sing­ly important in the out-of-home catering field. So the delivery industry is likely to focus even more closely in future on the affluent target group of health-oriented people.”
In the under­ly­ing survey, conducted by the Nutrition Hub network and the Federal Centre for Nutrition (FCN), over 100 experts from the nutrition sector were asked for their views. 22 percent of the experts surveyed see con­ve­ni­ence food among the top 10 future nutrition trends. Spe­ci­fi­cal­ly, fast and pre-prepared food came sixth2. According to Deloitte the market for con­ve­ni­ence products in Europe is still rela­tively under­de­ve­lo­ped compared to China and the USA, and the market can be expected to grow by more than 10%3. Deloitte points out that in addition to people’s lack of time, smaller household sizes, urba­nizati­on and our ageing society favour this deve­lo­p­ment3. Salads, sand­wi­ches and smoothies, for example, are the top 3 con­ve­ni­ence products most in demand by retailers3.






Con­ve­ni­ence products require a complex end-to-end logistics solution

Fresh, fast-moving products require flexible and intel­li­gent logistics services if customer demand is to be met to the maximum possible extent. For high-turnover consumer goods in the areas of FMCG, beverages, fresh produce, tobacco and near-food, 7Days offers storage and trans­por­ta­ti­on faci­li­ties specific to groups of goods. After coll­ec­ting goods and storing them correctly, 7Days conducts order-picking and packaging acti­vi­ties for you and prepares the goods in compacted form for trans­por­ta­ti­on. 7Days delivers products to the desired points of sale, taking away empty and reusable con­tai­ners as well as recycling goods for return and reuse. To ensure a con­si­stent and con­ti­nuous cold chain, 7Days provides both trans­por­ta­ti­on and storage faci­li­ties ideally tailored to customer needs.



Interview with Thomas Kirschner, CEO, 7Days Schweiz

Did you get off to a good start with the launch of fresh food logistics? 

Thanks to our expe­ri­en­ced, inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry and expert team and our part­ner­ship with Valora, we can look back on a suc­cessful start in supplying Valora’s sales outlets with fresh products. In addition to the tra­di­tio­nal FMCG range, we have been supplying Valora’s sales outlets with fresh products such as sand­wi­ches, sliced fresh fruit, vege­ta­bles, and dairy products since 1 May 2023. 

How do you manage to meet the high quality standards in the food logistics sector?

Within the scope of our core business acti­vi­ties we strive to act respon­si­bly – towards the envi­ron­ment, in our relations with employees and in our inter­ac­tion with relevant stake­hol­ders. Through regular auditing processes we strive for the con­ti­nuous impro­ve­ment of the manage­ment system, and we have also adopted the appro­pria­te hygiene standards, spe­ci­fi­cal­ly in the area of food safety.

How does your logistics service con­tri­bu­te to the environment?

7Days aims to improve our service quality while reducing our emissions in a step towards green city logistics. Sus­taina­bi­li­ty is to be more firmly anchored in our DNA. One aspect of this is 7Days’ use of electric Sprinter vans in metro­po­li­tan regions. The switch to electric vehicles is part of the 7Days sus­taina­bi­li­ty strategy. Following this step, electric vehicles already account for more than 10% of our own vehicle fleet, with further vehicles to be added in the course of the year. Elec­tri­fy­ing the vehicle fleet is both a goal and an obli­ga­ti­on, in order to ensure that our entre­pre­neu­ri­al thinking and actions make sparing use of resources. This applies to inter­ac­tion with customers, suppliers, partners and employees, and also in terms of overall com­mer­cial solutions.


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4622 Egerkingen

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4622 Egerkingen

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+41 58 470 20 00
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